Wednesday, January 9, 2013


New Year Specials ~
Take 20% off a purchase of $30 dollars or more and 20% off any flavor of Chai

January 2013 Class List

Beginning Knitting
January 14, 21 & 28 from 6-8 pm.
Beginning Knitting is for anyone who wants to learn how to knit, purl, cast on and bind off. In class you will make a simple scarf. The cost of the class is $20.00 plus supplies.

Beginning Crochet
January 14, 21 & 28 from 6-8 pm.
For those who want to learn the basics of crochet. Cost is $20.00 plus supplies.

Basic Sock Class. January 7 & 14 from 6-8. Learn how to do a simple sock. Class cost is $15.
Please call the yarn shop to sign up for classes or if you have any questions at 989-449-4444.

January Knit-A-Long, every Monday evening from 6-8 pm.

It has been suggested by some of the ladies that they would like to make  dish cloths, so the first two Monday evening we will be working on that ~ come and join us! We'll provide the patterns and you can purchase the yarn here. The last two Monday evening we will do either a sock or felted slippers. The sock we have chosen is a free pattern called “Nutkin Sock”. We have patterns you can purchase for the felted slippers and also yarn. Come and join us in this knit along. This is not an instruction class only a knit along.

Spin-A-Long Saturday, January 19 from 10 am till 2 pm
Bring your spinning wheel or spindle and spend the morning spinning at the yarn shop.  If you don’t spin, bring your knitting or crochet. Plan to stay all day and enjoy a lunch.

PJ Party Friday, January 25 from 6 pm till ??  Dig out your favorite flannel pajamas or long johns, your felted slippers and wool socks...bring your wheels, your needles, and your latest project. Cost: $10 (payable to Sip-n-Knit) This covers the cost of the buffet supper (soup, appetizer platters, dessert and assorted hot/cold drinks!)

Please RSVP to Suzanne at Sip-n-Knit or 989-449-4444 by Monday, January 23rd

Sip-N-Knit Class Policies
Class fee is due with registration and many classes have limited space available, so be sure to sign up early. You are encouraged to purchase your supplies at Sip-N-Knit prior to beginning your class. Class supplies purchased in the store will be given a 10% discount. Occasionally, a class may call for additional supplies provided by the instructor, so please read each class description carefully or if you have any questions, contact the shop at 989-449-4444 or email If you cancel, class fee will be refunded as long as the store is notified at least 3 days prior to class starting date. In the case of bad weather or sickness you must notify before class time and reschedule a make up time.

Special classes can be scheduled for private groups or to accommodate all work schedules. Please contact Suzanne at Sip-N-Knit (989-449-4444).

Please support you local yarn shop by using supplies you have purchased here for any of our classes and knit-a longs. Thank you!

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