A YEAR OF KNITTING EZ ~ Chapter 2, Some Babies Things
February 1, 8, 15 & 22; 6-8 pmChapter Two in our knit-a-long/book club includes directions for the well known February Baby Sweater and several other items. Even if you do not have a baby in your immediate family or circle of friends, why not consider knitting a baby item to donate to our charity knitting project? If you are not planning to knit, but are reading along with our book club, come prepared to discuss Chapter Two. Mary Kaufman had the answer to the January question for Chapter One and will have her name entered an extra time into our prize drawing!
Pam and Nellie brought along show and tell to finish out the month of January, these completed Fishtrap Aran swatchcaps:
Pam's cap, on the left, knit on 100 sts and Nellie's on the right, knit on 104. Both used Cascade 220 wool yarn and both Pam and Nellie are planning to make the sweater! Can't wait to see the progress!MONDAY NIGHT SIP ‘N KNITTERS (Alternate choice if you are not participating in the EZ KAL)
The Tahoe Hat - February 1, 8, 15 & 22; 6 - 8 pmRemember those little luxury fibers we spun up in January? Well, here is your chance to use them in this neat little beret type hat featured in the Winter 2009 issue of Spin-Off magazine. This is a mix and grab blend of yarns in all weights and lengths…if you did not spin up some yarn for this, check your knitting stash to find some odds and ends that will work. You must have a copy of the Winter 2009 Spin-Off magazine for the hat pattern if you are planning to knit that.
Do you crochet rather than knit? We will find a suitable pattern for you to use for your yarns, too! How about this free online pattern -
Double-Double Crochet Hat (this is a Ravelry link. If you are not a member of Ravelry, try looking
here for the pattern) This would be a
great pattern to donate to our
Hats Galore project!
HATS GALORE Charity Knitting
Saturday, February 20; 10 am – 2 pmOur ongoing knit-a-long aiding those in need in our community